Invented by Antoine Bonnaz and later developed by Ercole Cornely, the Cornely machine had a major impact on single-needle embroidery, because it was easy to use and allowed not only simple chain stitch embroidery, but also continuous chain stitch and its many variations, creating stunnning patterns and trimmings thanks to its gears working together with clockwork precision. At Studio Designer we updated this technique, giving life to original and contemporary patterns and decorations that we can reproduce on different fabrics and materials, like cords, chains and tapes, thanks to modern multi head embroidery machines.

Made in Italy

Cornely stitch – special embroidering
Fashion stylist working on commission
Contact details:
Studio Designer Srl Fashion stylist working on commission.
San Mauro Pascoli Forlì Cesena Italy
Tel: +39 333 5402784