Customized garments

At Studio Designer we offer a customisation service for special and vip clothes. We create embroideries and unique clothes for the most important international fashion brands, taking inspiration from the stilist’s ideas and developing them in a creative, original way, giving thus life to special, one-of-a-kind creations.

Mix lavorazioni

Made in Italy

unique, special handmade item
Chain weaving
Intreccio catene
Macramè ricamo multiteste con applicazione strass

Multi-head macramé embroidery with rhinestones

Caged stones and prong set rhinestones accessories

Accessorio con pietre ingabbiate, e castoni strass

Inlay technique

Contact details:

Logo Studio Designer
Studio Designer Srl Fashion stylist working on commission.

Via Villagrappa n.58
San Mauro Pascoli Forlì Cesena Italy


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Tel: +39 333 5402784

Navigation: Studio Designer » Our textile projects » Customized garments