Tufting stitch

Tufting stitch is an embroidery technique that creates a velvet-like effect as soft and full as possibile; at Studio Designer we use a combined technique involving both machine embroidery and hand-made trimming – something that requires an extremely high level of precision. Due to the complexity of the manufacturing process this combined technique implies longer processing times.
The final effect reminds the softness and richness of ancient carpets, both handmade and industrially woven. The final shaving results in a soft and vaporous yarn effect.

Ricamo punto carpet

Made in Italy

Multi-coloured tufting stitch
Ricamo carpet multicolore
Ricamo punto carpet rosso

Red tufting stitch embroidery

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Studio Designer Srl Fashion stylist working on commission.

Via Villagrappa n.58
San Mauro Pascoli Forlì Cesena Italy


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